peter gabriel in 1982 during the PG4 tour, he was climbing a pile of cubes and bouncing everywhere like an ape. He started throwing himself in the audience during "lay your hands on me". Even greater memory as it was never filmed (to my knowledge)
JP Rossi
It was John Cage's birthday at The Kitchen.
Bang on a Can performing inside the mall at the now destroyed WTC mall. We all went with backpacks and used them as pillows as we lied on the mall floors to "lie down and be counted" It exists in my memory forever. I stood next to Robert Ashley for a while and then went to lie down and listen and the security guards were freaking out as BOAC played
Patrick Pagano
Hard to choose, but seeing Dizzy Gillespie at the Chicago Jazz Fest stands out. I have never seen such a projection of joy and good will.
George Liebert
The Beach Boys seeing brian wilson play on the piano with some of the original members of the band Leandra
Leandra Dielle
Frank Zappa in the middle of a concert suddenly standing up on a small podium and singing Wagner in German
James Gruft
Attending a performance of Robert Fripp’ s guitar craft class and realizing all at once the infinite potential of sound
kare Rose
My my prized live music memory is listening to Shara Nova for the first time when she was on tour with Rasputina. All these years later, it seems I needed her music on my journey through life. Her performance was incredible and life changing. My Brightest Diamond's music is beautiful in recordings, but indescribably elevated live. I got to share the experience with my best friend, my sister.
2 Bob Marley concerts back to back
A concert of the Prodigy - me leaning against the air bag of the bass sound, not falling ...
Bernd Herzogenrath