the singular blurred memory of 5 years wandering the hallways of mass moca during the boac summer marathon, high fiving new buds, ripping great tunes, and that one time there was a wizard fight <3
Matt Evans
My favorite memory of a live music event was the first Bang on a Can Marathon that I went to in the early 2000s!
Hearing the Bang on a Can All-Stars LIVE for the first time! It was Road Trip at BAM! The video, lights, and musical grooviness created an all-around mesmerizing and memorable experience.
Maggie Stapleton
It was in Darmstadt sometime in the 90's. In retrospect I am pretty sure they booked the All-Stars to shake things up, create a stir. That happened. After the first piece half the audience applauded & the other half booed. This went on all night with ever increasing intensity and ever changing allegiances. At one point a guy got up and challenged the whole audience to walk out with him. No one went with him. Seems everyone else was interested in continuing the robust exchange. By the end of the night it was all but a riot. Pretty sure we played an encore. I wouldn't have missed that night for the world. - Mark Stewart
Mark Stewart
I can't decide. There are so many. Maybe the Billy Joel concert I went to when I was 17. Or maybe playing the groove section of Music for 18. By the way I'm loving this live sound typewriter!
Lisa Moore
Listening to Timber at a BoaC Marathon in 2014—lots of people had left by then, and I was laying on the steps of the Winter Garden in the back for a full hour, staring at the weird palm trees and the night sky thru the skylight.
Kyle Tieman-Strauss
I was 12. The band was Kansas on the last leg of its "Leftoverture" tour. It was loud. The band was hairy. And the lights where are unlike anything I've seen before. And I wondered, with such an incredible light show, why the person running those lights wasn't up on stage.
Timothy Thomas
Pascal Le Boeuf
At the BOAC summer festival in 2018... playing Sextet by Steve Reich - Vicky Chow on piano, David Cossin across from me on vibes, and a couple other amazing people. Steve was there... he was so pleased. We were filled with joy after... so happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy.
Gloria Yehilevsky
When I was 18, I attended my first Bang on A Can Marathon (with my Mom!) at Winter Garden in NYC. After getting my mind and ears totally blown open, I dedicated myself to the constant search for deep, challenging, and meaningful musical experiences. Looking back 10 years later, I realize that BOAC Marathon was one of the most profound musical experiences of my young life.
Chris Sies